🇮🇳 How to Read Hindi

You can learn to read Hindi in 2 days. Here’s how:

Step 1: Start now! Here we go:
Below are some Hindi letters and their pronunciation. You can tap all letters to hear their sound. Try it out:


The Hindi alphabet is called “Devanagri” and is also used in other languages. Letters represent syllables (or "aksar"). This is a key difference to the Latin alphabet (used in English).
For example: The word “Parrot” has two syllables “Par” and “Rot”, both have 3 letters. In Hindi, Parrot is तोता (tota). The two letters “तो” and “ता” are also each one syllable.
Devanagri has so called "Matras", which change the pronounciation of letters. Below you can see how some of them change the pronounciation of the letter "" (ka).

का (ka)
कि (ki)
कु (ku)

That was only a short overview. To learn the complete Hindi alphabet, I strongly recommend following these steps:

  • (1 - 2 days): Memorise the Hindi alphabet. Go here for this lesson.
  • (0 - 1 days): Memorise the Matras. Go here for this lesson.
  • (30 minutes): Combine letters. Go here for this lesson.
  • Practice, Practice, Practice: Without practice you will forget Devanagri. Use our easy practice stories here.

For a refresher, you can always check out our Hindi alphabet chart:

Hindi Alphabet Chart